Welcome! To save yourself unnecessary work, before calling or emailing, please note the population this practice works with:
My practice welcomes and includes persons regardless of culture, economic status, race, religion, country or origin, sexual orientation, or political philosophy. I do not treat ADHD, OCD, Bi-polar disorders, psychosis, or personality disorders. Because this is a private, solo psychotherapy practice, it is not appropriate care for actively suicidal or otherwise acutely ill folks. We do not have crisis or emergency care services. The work we do is more than just talk therapy. We incorporate somatic (non-touch, body-based) methods centered in the Polyvagal Theory, and Depth Psychology practices. Please note that if using insurance an accurate diagnosis is required. |
Tues, Weds, Thurs 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM Central Standard Time (CST) |
Existing client messaging: https://margaret-howard.clientsecure.me
Email: [email protected] Phone: 618-221-5255 |